Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Ho Chi Minh's propaganda machine was equalled to, if not surpassed, his charismatic statesmanship. His use of propaganda along with his writings attempted to unite political and social issues for the ultimate liberation of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh (the bringer of light) was a skillfull statesman and adapted revolutionary strategies with propaganda to defeat his enemies. 

Uncle Ho as the world came to know him appeared on many propaganda leaflets. Always appearing with an enigmatic smile he was an inspiration to his people unfortunately Ho did not live to see his beloved Vietnam reunified. His death inspired a tremendous outpouring in Vietnam adding significantly to the powerful imagery surrounding his name. His picture along with his spoken words adorned many propaganda programs. His use of destroyed military equipment was another powerful tool used by Hanoi. Often used by adversaries to powerful nations the weaker less aggressive combatants revel at the sight of destruction. It invokes a sense weakening, waste, and uselessness by the more formidable opponent.

To combat the growing unpopularity of the war the United States set up the Combined Documentation Exploitation Center (CDEC). It's job was to evaluate and translate documents obtained from prisoners of war or enemy killed in action. Information was then forwarded to units in the field. 

1st Lieutenant Frederick "Rick" Walsh headed up the CDEC in Saigon from September 1967 to October 1968. Mr. Walsh donated a portion of the documents contained in THE ART OF WAR exhibit shown below. Considered non sensitive material at the time they illustrate the use of propaganda during wartime. Hanoi's propaganda machine was equalled to that of the allied forces. 

On display in THE ART OF WAR exhibition this leaflet is a primary example of knowing the enemy. The communist attempt to reach the hearts of Afro-American soldiers with an analogy of a dark side in American history. Using guilt they connect the activities of the KKK and the Afro-American struggle to further their cause. The use of statistics keeps young Afro-American soldiers confused and questioning themselves and their involvement in the war. Along with dates it describes American life which may be unaccessable to the young soldier. In 7 days in Detroit 41 blacks are killed and 6,500 were wounded and captured it states as Hanoi uses the Civil Rights Movement as a propaganda tool. It blames the U.S. Imperialists for having blood on its hands for both Vietnam and the black struggle in America. It's a strong argument.

Another propaganda trick of Uncle Ho, also on display in THE ART OF WAR exhibition, was the use of holidays with the use of slang to make a connection. The term X'MAS first used after WWII accompanied by holly and berries is the heading and makes a powerful yet inexpensive attention grabber. Homesick soldiers missing holidays with family and friends will feel misplaced especially if this propaganda is released at the right time. Printed in two languages is also brilliant as the leaflet serves a dual purpose. As the allied forces back a Catholic South Vietnamese president they push Catholicism on the Vietnamese people at every opportunity. Picking a Catholic president was not by chance and Ho knew this better than anyone. By also using Vietnamese he exploited the anger of the South Vietnamese people who were secretly practicing Buddhism he gained support and turned many practitioners on the fence towards his cause.

Ho Chi Minh used the world stage to also further his cause. On display in THE ART OF WAR exhibition this leaflet draws on world opinion making it appear that the actual governments are sympathetic to the Communist leader. These demonstrations, like American anti war demonstrations, are reflective of individual opinions not government opinions. Yet Uncle Ho quotes days, numbers and cities hosting demonstrations and calling U.S. involvement in Vietnam crimes of aggression. By using Belgium as an example is also a brilliant strategy knowing it to be a symbol of neutrality in Europe. Using Rome as a reference city he cuts right to the essence of Catholisism and it's beliefs. He taps into the controversial subject of religion in Vietnam, not just during U.S. involvement but  French involvement as well.

The Code Of Conduct is instilled in every young recruit. Ho turns the Code of Conduct against the soldier by interpreting its use as a defense. By twisting its meaning to believe its usefulness is to defend the Fatherland he undermines the soldiers training. The use of the word Fatherland is interesting because most times a country is referred to as the Motherland. Motherland implies a closeness to the womb and our place of origin yet Ho uses Fatherland. Instinctively he reinforces his presence in the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people. This propaganda leaflet and additional material are available for viewing in THE ART OF WAR exhibition.

All of Ho Chi Minh's propaganda wishes would have been fulfilled if he were alive when actress Jane Fonda went to Hanoi in 1972. Fonda produced anti American posters, propaganda broadcasts, and was put on display with prisoners of war. Starting out as a poster girl for the military in 1962 she was named "Miss Army Recruiting" but later became disenchanted with the war. Making anti war films and speaking at rally's she earned the name "Hanoi Jane". Marrying Tom Hayden, an anti-war activist, they travelled to Hanoi a second time to make the documentary "Introduction To The Enemy" in 1974. In 1988 Jane Fonda appeared on ABC's 20/20 and publically apologized for her 1972 actions. The name Hanoi Jane has followed her to this day.

Secretary of State John Kerry as a young man speaks at a Veterans Anti-War Rally with Jane Fonda. This type of propaganda not only stirred emotions in America but went around the world as America's enemies used every opportunity to discredit the war and paint a picture of Imperialist aggression.

The Allied Forces with the U.S. leading the way had it's own brand of propaganda and it littered the countryside with its message. Most leaflets were pictures of dead Vietnamese accompanied by questionable slogans such as "I gave my life for freedom." But the biggest and most widely known propaganda program was the Chieu Hoi program.

Chieu Hoi (Open Arms) was an amnesty program instituted in April 1963 by South Vietnam President Diem and the Allied Forces. The decade long program's basic theme was that both sides were brothers in the same family. Since all sides wanted to end the war and come together as one the best and most cost efficient way was to lay down your arms and join the winning side. Clemency, financial aid, land, and job training was offered as an incentive if the Communist fighters would agree to stop fighting and live under democratic South Vietnam rule. 

In the beginning the Chieu Hoi program produced a significant number of defectors but fell far short of it's anticipated goal of 40,000 in 1964. Cash offers were instituted for turning in arms and disclosure of Vietcong sanctuaries and weapons caches. With the overwhelming arrival of U.S. forces and an increase in bombing missions the number shot up to 47,000 defectors in 1969. It was soon discovered that almost 30% of the Chieu Hoi ralliers were not Communist at all but simply peasants that were organized by corrupt South Vietnamese officials to cash in on the reward. The cash incentives were largely funded by American dollars. When evidence was uncovered the reward aspects of the program were halted and by mid-1970 the number of defectors dropped significantly. 

This brochure is a twelve page guide to the Chieu Hoi program. Inside these pages are step by step instructions explaining why, when, and how a Communist subversive can and should surrender. The cover displays the flags of the Allied forces rallying around the South Vietnamese flag. Left side top to bottom: United States, Australia, Thailand. Right side top to bottom: Korea, New Zealand, Phillipines.
Leaflets, Brochures and propaganda material on display in THE ART OF WAR exhibition.

An interesting aspect of this pamphlet is it's content. The cover is written in Vietnamese but the instructions are written in English including the cost of defecting. Not only does the Allied forces want the Communist's to surrender but they want to charge them to do it, perhaps that's why it's written in English.

An offshoot of the Chieu Hoi program was the "Kit Carson Scouts" program. Former Communist that were brought in under the Chieu Hoi program were given training and issued U.S. uniforms and weapons and used in the field. Their knowledge of the terrain, Communist tactics, and intelligence proved useful especially on long range reconnaissance operations in and around enemy territory. From 1963 to 1973 almost 160,000 Communist came in under the Chieu Hoi program but only 18% were defectors leaving a questionable attitude with American soldiers.

Delta proved to be a perfect fit for Kit Carson Scouts and we utilized them for land mine and booby trap detection. Pictured below are two former Vietcong attached to our unit. 

Their names were Nah and Diem but to us they were simply Chieu Hoi and they went with us everywhere. The uncomfortable feeling of having two former Vietcong as friends was a little unsettling to say the least. In Vietnam the enemy hides in plain site so it is not the best place to build a trustful relationship and I made it perfectly clear. In a small unit like Delta, light swift and accurate as the motto goes, there was no room for nonsense and a pecking order was established immediately. I was at the top of the pecking order and they were at the bottom.

Walking point was a tedious nerve racking job and I handled my fair share of the load. Working an area of rice paddies and light jungle foliage I came across a path leading to an open less dense area. The point man makes the call and being on point I saw a much easier and less congested area of land to negotiate. 

There are rules to follow that we absorb while working the point position that are referred to as OJT (on the job training). Walking point I learned the hard way that if it's to easy don't do it, or if it looks out of place don't touch it, and if it's easier to walk in a certain direction then don't walk there and so I didn't. I gave the halt sign and everyone immediately stopped and hit the ground. I gave another signal and the Chieu Hoi's were brought up front.

There was also something I learned working with former Vietcong and that was extending a limited amount of trust. I could trust them only if their lives were in danger and no further. I knew they would do anything to stay alive that's why they defected and so I used their fear of death to my advantage. If I suspected an ambush I sent them in first. If we were in a known land mine or booby trapped area I sent them to negotiate the best way to circumvent the situation. If they refused I had no problem putting a gun to their heads and forcing them to do it or they'd better explain to me why they didn't. I was not about to walk into an ambush and that's why I walked point and not them. 

Nah came up behind me very slowly and he knew exactly what I wanted and led the way. He sidestepped several trip wires as fine as fishing line that were green for camouflage and I just knew I wouldn't have seen them. Keeping my distance behind him I marked each one with a signal to the others and we crossed the open field without incident. Dismantling the traps was dangerous, time consuming, and not our job so we moved on. It was unsettling to know that Nah's friends might have set those traps and Nah himself may have killed a few Americans with his bomb expertise. Politics and war and the politics of war are things I just don't understand. What I do understand is how to survive and what it takes to do just that.

Peter and I pose with Nah and Diem when they first arrived. Diem is holding my grenade launcher and smoking a cigar. He loved my American cigars and so did I.



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